Kaddio Reports

Get an overview of your business with Kaddio's statistics tool. Visualize data in Kaddio or export for your own analysis.


Create reports

Use Kaddio's statistics tool to create reports on bookings, invoicing, survey responses and more. Visualize the result graphically and export data as .csv.

Create surveys

Design surveys the way you want. Use different response types, such as free text, scale, numeric value, and multiple choice. Choose how Kaddio should calculate the result, for example as a sum or average value. Set and name limits to get a quick overview of the result.


Send a link to the survey via SMS or email.

Send surveys based on bookings

Send surveys to the clients who had a booking within a certain time interval.

Send surveys based on group

Send surveys to clients or therapists based on which group they belong to.

Surveys provide anonymous responses

Collected responses that are anonymous and cannot be linked to any specific client or processor.