Kaddio Policy

Terms of service

Welcome to Kaddio! When you create an account with us, you consent to these terms of service and our processing of personal data as established on our website kaddio.com.

By creating an account with Kaddio you approve these terms of service, including any appendices or material referred to ("Terms"). When creating the account you also approve our processing of your personal data.


All debiting is performed retroactively per month via automated card debit. Kaddio accepts common debit- and credit cards.

Licence scope

Kaddio AB holds all rights to Kaddio. As a user, you may only use the service as agreed and according to current Terms.

As a buyer of our products you have a non-exclusive license to use the software in the business that you state. You do not have the right to use the software for other businesses or have the right to let anyone but registered users use the software.

The number of users of the license and the extent of the software included in the license is controlled by you through ongoing registration throughout the contractual period.

Copying of the software must not be performed without a written consent from us.

Changes to the software

You do not have permission to change the software. Copyright and all rights regarding changes to the software attributes to Kaddio AB.

Infringement of rights

Kaddio guarantees that the software does not infringe anyones property rights. In case anyone contacts you and claims infringement, you are committed to inform us immediately.

Operating system requirements

You need one of the following operating systems, in the stated or a later version

  • macOS Sierra.
  • iOS 11.0.2.
  • Android 8.
  • Windows 8.
  • Linux (Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 7).
  • ChromeOS 60.

Web browser requirements

You need one of the following web browsers, in the stated or a later version

  • Safari 11.
  • Firefox 30.
  • Chrome 60.
  • Opera 45.


You ensure that the data you state is correct.

If you use the service on behalf of a legal entity, you guarantee that you are authorized to conclude an agreeement for the service with us and accept the Terms on behalf of the legal entity. By stating personal data of others you confirm that you hold consent to state this information and that the information may be used for the purposes and in the ways described in these Terms.


Use of information that is not yours or that you for other reasons are not authorized to use, and use of Kaddio in any other way than the intended use, will be judged by Kaddio as misuse. All information related to suspicion of or misuse of Kaddio, for example by stating false or misleading information, is saved and used for future risk assessments and to protect interested parties. The user may be blocked from further use of Kaddio. Your enforcement of the Terms and separate payment terms for Kaddio services also affect the risk assessment when using Kaddio and therby your possibility to use all payment alternatives.

Personal data

Kaddio processes personal data for the purpose of ensuring identities, administer the customer relationship, hinder wrongful use or misuse of the service, perform customer analysis and business development and to fufil applicable legal requirements in general. The following are examples of personal data handled by Kaddio

  • Contact details - name, address, email, phone, etc.
  • Social security number
  • Payment information - invoicing information, etc.
  • Historical information - detail on previous purchases, you previous enforcement of our payment terms, any denials, etc.
  • Information about your computer/entity - IP-address, language settings, web browser settings, etc.
  • Social security numbers are used for identification and as account numbers for customer management purposes for the Kaddio system. If you have used Kaddio previously there may be saved data about you, for example, due to customer management, documentation requirements or similar approved purposes. Kaddio will use any such information to ensure you identity and simplify your use of Kaddio. Kaddio may also use electronic communication (communication via e.g. SMS and email) when in contact with you. Kaddio safeguards the protection of personal data and will take appropriate security measures to protect this information. You have the right to acces any information we have on you. Upon request on that effect, we typically respond within 30 days.

You also have the right to correct any erroneous information and to choose to remove additional marketing communication. Regarding personal data of clients that users of Kaddio add to the system, Kaddio has responsibilities according to our Data Protection Agreement. By using Kaddio, you as a customer approve our use of personal data in the ways described here.


Kaddio uses session cookies for load balancing and security. Nothing else.

Changes, additions and other services

Kaddio continuously changes and improves the services and reserves the rights to change the Terms for future use of Kaddio. For the services that Kaddio provides, the prevailing terms and prices apply. Terms and prices are available on kaddio.com. Make sure to read the Terms, etc., on our website prior to each new purchase.

Links to or from other websites

Kaddio does not approve or control any website or application of any of our third party services and are not responsible for their contents. To the extent that you use such a website or application from a third party, the terms of that site/application applies.

Disclaimer, applicable law and disputes

In addition to the implications by the Terms or by enforcing legislations, Kaddio is not in any case responsible for injuries that are directly or indirectly caused by the use of Kaddio. Swedish law applies and any disputes must be handled by the general court.

The operational manager, the caregiver and the operational manager within healthcare, respectively, are responsible for the quality of the business and that the desicions made and applied within the business comply with current legislations. The caregiver is solely responsible for that the system fulfils requirements for record keeping according to laws and legislations.


Kaddio offers support via email, manned on business days between 9-15. Troubleshooting of emergency cases that are suspected to have an impact on operation, accessibility or safety is started within 2 hours during the opening hours of the support and within 8 hours for all other times.

Error reports

Errors are reported to [email protected]. Troubleshooting of emergency cases that are suspected to have an impact on operation, accessibility or safety is started within 2 hours during the opening hours of the support and within 8 hours for all other times.

Contract period

The contract commences immediately upon order of the service. The contract period is the same as the chosen payment period. The contract is automatically prolonged for the same period if the service is not terminated in writing one month prior to the end of the contract period, at the latest. If the user has not terminated the contract one month prior to the end of the contract period, at the latest, the user is obliged to pay for the next payment period.


Your right to use Kaddio remains until either part terminates it. Such a termination takes immediate effect but does not affect terms and commitments for made purchases (unpaid invoices, fees, etc.) or the right to process personal data as described above.