Meet our team

We're a tight group of people, passionate and dedicated to delivering the best possible experience to our customers.

  • A great image of an employee


    CTO, Co-founder, & Dev

  • A great image of an employee


    CFO, Strategy, Customer Support

  • A great image of an employee


    Customer support

  • A great image of an employee


    Market, UX, Customer support

  • A great image of an employee



  • A great image of an employee


    CEO, Co-founder & Dev

  • A great image of an employee


    General Counsel

Company founded

Kaddio AB, at the time named ePsy is founded by Arvid and David.

3rd employee

Ylva joins our team.

1st paying customer

Until now, Kaddio was freeware. We wanted to start charging our users 6 months earlier but it took longer than we expected to "automate" the billing process :)

Black numbers!

Kaddio has been independent from external investors since the beginning, now we are also economically independent from our parent company.